
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of self-assessment of pubertal maturation and to determine the desired stage of pubertal maturity in adolescent females with anorexia nervosa. Methods: Standardized figure drawings depicting Tanner’s sexual maturation stages were given to a consecutive sample of 40 adolescent females with anorexia nervosa who were instructed to assess current and desired pubertal development. Pubertal development was assessed independently by two investigators. The percent agreement between physician and subject ratings was determined. Results: Percent agreement between physician and subject ratings was 30% for developmental stage for breasts and 50% for pubic hair. Subjects underestimated breast development 3.4 times as often as they overestimated it and overestimated pubic hair development 1.5 times as often as they underestimated it. Multivariate probit analysis showed that inaccuracy in breast self-assessment was inversely related to a desire for sexual maturity ( p < 0.05). Ninety percent of subjects stated that their desired stage of breast development was equal to or more mature than their present stage. Eighty percent stated that their desired stage of pubic hair development was equal to or more mature than their present stage. Conclusions: Self-assessment of sexual maturity by adolescents with anorexia nervosa using standardized figure drawings depicting Tanner’s stages is not accurate. Patients desiring a sexually immature body were most likely to be inaccurate in their self-assessment of their pubertal stage.

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