
The prevalence of goiter still remains high in some areas of Iran in spite of iodine supplementation. In the present study, we investigated the role of selenium (Se) deficiency in the etiology of goiter in Isfahan. Two thousand three hundred thirty-one schoolchildren were selected by multistage random sampling. Thyroid size was estimated in each child by inspection and palpation. Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and plasma Se were measured. Overall, 32.9% of the 2,331 children had goiter. The median UIC was 19.55 microg/dl. Plasma Se was measured in 96 goitrous and 72 nongoitrous children. The mean +/- SD of plasma Se in goitrous and nongoitrous children was 66.86 +/- 21.82 and 76.67 +/- 23.33 microg/l, respectively (P = 0.006). Goitrous girls had lower plasma Se level than nongoitrous girls (65.62 +/- 21.64 vs. 76.51 +/- 22.61 microg/dl, P = 0.02). Goitrous boys had lower plasma Se level than nongoitrous boys (68.45 +/- 22.21 vs. 76.91 +/- 24.76 microg/l, P = 0.14). The prevalence of Se deficiency was significantly higher in goitrous boys and girls than nongoitrous children. Se deficiency is among the contributors of goiter in Isfahan goitrous schoolchildren. However, the role of other micronutrient deficiencies or goitrogens should be investigated in this region.

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