
Arginine forms a stable noncovalent anionic salt bridge complex with DP (a crown ether which contains two endocyclic dialkylhydrogenphosphate esters). Abundant adduct formation with DP is observed for complexes with arginine, YAKR, HPPGFSPFR, AAKRKAA, RR, RPPGFSPFR, RYLGYL, RGDS, and YGGFMRGL in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) experiments. DFT calculations predict a hydrogen bonded salt bridge structure with a protonated guanidinium flanked by two deprotonated phosphates to be the lowest energy structure. Dissociation of DP/peptide adducts reveals that, in general, the relative gas phase acidity of a peptide is dependent on peptide length, with longer peptides being more acidic. In particular, peptides that are six residues or more in length can stabilize the deprotonated C-terminus by extensive hydrogen bonding with the peptide backbone. Dissociation of DP/peptide complexes often yields the deprotonated peptide, allowing for the facile formation of anionic peptides that otherwise would be difficult to generate in high abundance. Although DP has a preference for binding to arginine residues in peptides, DP is also observed to form less abundant complexes with peptides containing multiple lysines. Lys-Xxx-Lys and Lys-Lys sequences form low abundance anionic adducts with DP. For example, KKKK exclusively forms a double adduct with one net negative charge on the complex.

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