
IT has long been known1,2 that, when a mixture of linoleic and oleic glycerides is catalytically hydrogenated, the linoleic groups are reduced to the mono-ethenoid condition before any appreciable quantity of saturated (stearic) glycerides is produced. Whereas this selectivity is extremely marked in glycerides or other mixtures of unsaturated esters, it is much less prominent when corresponding mixtures of unsaturated acids are hydrogenated2. Further, Richardson et al.3 observed that selectivity is not so fully developed during hydrogenation of whale or other marine animal oils, wherein polyethenoid acids of the C18, C20 and C22 series are prominent ; and Harper, Hilditch and Terleski4 showed that up to a very late stage in the hydrogenation of whale oil or cod liver oil, definite proportions of unsaturated glycerides containing more than one ethenoid group persist.

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