
A plasma acceleration mechanism is proposed to explain the dramaticenhancement in the ratio of 3He/4He, (enhancement factor102-103) observed in solar 3He-rich flares. Considering thatcoronal plasma is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium ions, thehydrogen ion-helium ion hybrid waves and quasi-perpendicular waves canbe excited by energetic electron beam during the impulsive solar flares.The frequencies of these waves are close to the 3He+ + iongyrofrequency, but far from the 4He+ + ion gyrofrequency.Most of these waves are selectively absorbed by 3He ions. Thesepreheated 3He ions can be successively stochastic accelerated byAlfvén turbulence, when their velocities are larger than the localAlfvén velocity. It makes the ratio of 3He/4He dramatically enhancedand the acceleration energy spectrum of 3He ions forms a power-lawdistribution during the impulsive solar flares.

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