
Introduction: The National Railway Master Plan (RIPNAS), dated 2018, mentions that the railway network size and railway service capacity for using trains as the main means of transportation can be increased by reactivating non-operational routes and improving the condition of the existing routes. Methods: In our study, we propose the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method to determine the best option for the reactivated Madiun–Dopolo trace route in East Java, Indonesia. The data obtained were derived from questionnaires filled in by experts in the field. The model used six main criteria: land use, technical aspects, transportation node integration, social insecurity, disaster factors, and funding. Result and Discussion: The analysis reveals that the predominant route selection criterion chosen by the respondents was the Land Use (with a score of 0.25). The least significant Madiun–Dopolo route selection criterion was the Disaster Factors (0.07). Based on the results of weighting the criteria and aggregating the respondent alternatives, the trace route most commonly chosen by the respondents was the Alternative Trace Route (Trace Route 2), with a score of 0.698, while the Existing Trace Route (Trace Route 1) had a score of 0.302. The Alternative Trace Route is longer than the Existing Trace Route, but it will mostly pass through farming regions, which is assumed to create less social conflicts than in the case of Trace Route 1. This also automatically means that Trace Route 2 will need fewer funds in land acquisition.

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