
Selected problems concerning volatile organic compounds emission reduction from thick-veneer pine plywood. The paper presents results of research conducted on volatile organic compounds emissions, considering two different production parameter sets for thick-veneer pine plywood, manufactured in industrial conditions. Both types of plywood were produced from raw wood material, which was hydrothermally treated under two different variants of parameters (I – 47˚C, 19 h; II – 55˚C, 24 h). Based on the results it was stated that severe hydrothermal treatment of raw wood material (longer soaking time, higher temperature) had impact on reduction of plywood VOC emission rates. Main VOCs emitted from pine plywood were monoterpenes and carbonyl compounds. Of the monoterpenes, α-pinene and 3-carene had the highest emission. Of the carbonyl group of compounds, the highest emission had hexanal and caproic acid.

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