
Segregation analyses were performed on pedigrees with rare autosomal fragile sites. The results of the analysis of pedigrees with folate sensitive fragile sites, including 2q1, 6p23, 7p11, 8q22, 9q32, 10q23, 11q13, 11q23, 12q13, 16p12, and 20p11, suggested that expression of the gene depended on the carrier parent: it was only 50% penetrant when transmitted by a carrier father, but fully penetrant when transmitted by a carrier mother. Pedigrees with the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) fragile site, fra(10)(q25), showed the same trend but the results were not statistically significant. In addition, 38 of the 44 probands with folate sensitive or BrdU-sensitive fragile sites received the gene from their carrier mother and only six received it from their father. In contrast, the analysis of pedigrees with the distamycin A-inducible site, fra(16)(q22), gave the results expected for a simple codominant trait with complete penetrance. Probands with this fragile site received the gene equally from mothers or fathers. The genetic implications of these results are discussed.

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