
Hong Kong is an extreme example of tropical landscape degradation, with no substantial remnants of the original forest cover and a highly impoverished disperser fauna. Seed availability is a potential limiting factor in vegetation recovery in such landscapes. To assess the quantity and quality of the seed rain of woody taxa, seed traps were placed in the major upland vegetation types: fire-maintained grassland, shrubland, and secondary forest. Within the grassland site, traps were placed under isolated trees, isolated male and female shrubs of Eurya chinensis, and in the open. Seeds were collected every 2 weeks for 2 years. The seed rain was highest under female shrubs in grassland (6455 seeds m−2 year−1), where it was almost entirely confined to their fruiting period. Next highest were isolated trees (890 seeds), followed by male isolated shrubs (611 seeds), shrubland (558 seeds), forest (129 seeds) and open grassland (47 seeds). The number of seed taxa was highest in shrubland (59), followed by isolated trees (42), forest (42), female isolated shrubs (28), male isolated shrubs (15), and open grassland (9). The seed rain differed in species composition between the forest, shrubland, and grassland sites, while the differences within the grassland site were largely in terms of quantity. Birds (particularly bulbuls, Pycnonotus spp.) are known or inferred to be the major dispersal agents for 85% of the seed taxa trapped, 99% of the total number of seeds trapped, and 99.8% of the seeds trapped in the grassland site. Few taxa and \(<1\%\) of the total seeds were dispersed by wind and no seed taxa were definitely dispersed by fruit bats. The results suggest that even in the most degraded landscape the seed rain is adequate for the development of woody vegetation cover, but that human intervention will be needed for the restoration of plant diversity.

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