
ABSTRACT The seed (nutlet) morphology of four Onobrychis Miller (Fabaceae: subfamily Papilionoideae, Section Hymenobrychis DC.) taxa from Turkey, including three endemic taxa, was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Onobrychis tournefortii, O. galegifolia, O. cappadocica, O. albiflora. The seed examined exhibited variation in size, shape, colour, and surface sculpturing. Seed size ranged between 4.0-5.2 mm length and 2.0-3.6 mm width. Observed shapes included; ellipticus anguste asymmtricus reniformis, Ovatus anguste asymmetricus reniformis and ellipticus reniformis. Seed surface sculpturing revealed two distinct types: reticulate and rugulate. Species of Onobrychisare generally similar and confused with those of Hedysarumduring the identification process. Seed surface micromorphology can suggest taxonomical diagnostic characters for distinguishing species. Many of these characteristics are diagnostic at both the generic and specific levels.

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