
Abstract Seeds of Alaska iris, Iris setosa Pall. ssp. interior (Anders.) Hult., were collected from wild stands near Fairbanks and subjected to the following treatments: 0 or 125 days of stratification; 24-hr soak in water or 1000 mg·liter-1 gibberellic acid (GA3); alternating (25°/10°C) or constant (21°) temperatures; and germination in darkness or light. After 7 days, germination was best (95.0%) with stratified seeds that were soaked in GA3 and germinated at constant temperatures in the dark. A greenhouse study in which stratified seeds were soaked in water or GA3, sown in a commercial peat and vermiculite seed germination mix, and germinated beneath clear or black plastic confirm ed that germination was highest (64.4%) and most uniform (83.3% filled container cells) with the com bined treatments of GA3 and darkness.

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