
Humic compounds were determined in sediments collected in an area of the Adriatic sea receiving fresh waters from the river Po. Sediment cores (10 cm) were sectioned into four layers which were analysed separately for redox potential (Eh), total phosphorus (TP), total organic carbon (TOC), humic (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) content. The structure of HA and FA was also investigated. The results showed that the TOC and TP content decreased from the coast to the open-sea stations. Humic and fulvic acid concentrations were also inversely correlated to the distance from the coast. Moreover, the humic and fulvic acids were closely correlated to the total organic content and to the total phosphorus content. The correlations found between humic substances (HS) and TOC and TP, respectively, could be explained both by an in situ formation due to the high content of nutrients and organic matter, and by a common source of HS, TOC and TP, namely the River Po discharge. The predominant presence of aliphatic carbon in the humic structures, the low degree of substitution and the high nitrogen content suggest that primarily humified compounds were formed in situ. Nevertheless, the River Po can act both as supplier of organic matter of which decomposition products lead to the formation of humic compound and as carrier of humified compounds.

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