
The Nugget Sandstone is one of the classic eolian sequences of the Colorado Plateau region. North of Vernal, Utah, the Nugget contains sedimentary cycles consisting of three units: (I) red mudstone, (2) siltstone, and (3) sandstone. The thinly bedded facies of the Nugget is characterized by complete cycles (1-2-3) in which the redbeds of units I and 2 are dominant. The crossstratified facies consists of alternations (2-3), and the medium- to large-scale cross-stratified sandstone of unit 3 is so well developed that it gives the facies its name. The cycles formed during wet-dry fluctuations in the climate. Units I and 2 represent small lakes, inland sebkhas, and mudflats; unit 3 represents eolian dunes. During deposition of the Nugget the general climate became more arid, and eolian dune deposition dominated, broken only rarely by local ephemeral lakes during moist periods.

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