
Mobile Grid is one of the recent emerging technologies. It has a lot of challenges due to the scarcity of resources such as processing power, persistent storage, runtime heap, battery lifetime, memory, bandwidth, and connectivity and network faults. Dynamic environment affects both mobile and non-mobile grids. This creates a need for the virtual administrator. Virtual Organization (VO) is responsible for resource coordination and to support Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA). Dynamic Mobile Virtual Organization (DMVO) has the property of VO in addition to features such as workflow initiation and handling of mobile nodes. We analyze the various types of mobility such as user mobility, session mobility and resource mobility for implementing a mobile grid. We have concentrated on the OSI layered approach for mobile grids and how it helps in the process execution. We analyzed Service Level Agreement (SLA) and how it helps for negotiation and monitoring. We have analyzed the performance measures for Job Execution Cost, Bandwidth Utilization Factor, Rejection Ratio for different number of jobs and various clusters such that each cluster contains different number of nodes with different configuration. Our main aim is to decrease the Job Execution Cost and to increase bandwidth utilization factor compared to the existing scenario.

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