
We present the secular light curves of eight comets listed in the title. Two plots per comet are needed to study these objects: a reduced magnitude (to Δ = 1 AU = geocentric distance) vs time, and a reduced magnitude vs Log R ( R=heliocentric distance). A total of over 16 new parameters, are measured from both plots, and give an unprecedented amount of information to characterize these objects: the onset of sublimation ( R ON ) , the offset of sublimation ( R OFF ) , the time lag at perihelion (LAG), the absolute magnitude ( m ( 1 , 1 ) ) , the maximum magnitude at perihelion ( m MAX ( 1 , LAG ) ) , the nuclear magnitudes ( V N ) , the amplitude of the secular light curve ( A SEC ) , plus several others, and the photometric functions needed to describe the envelope. The most significant findings of this investigation are: (a) The envelope of the observations is the best representation of the secular light curve. (b) The H10 photometric system is unable to explain the curves and a new set of photometric rules and functions is used. (c) Only four comets exhibit power laws in their secular light curves, and only partially: 1P, 19P, 21P, and 81P. All others have to be described by more complex functions. Of the four, three exhibit a break of the power law, requiring two laws pre-perihelion and one post-perihelion. The reason for this behavior is not understood. (d) We predict the existence of a photometric anomaly in the secular light curve of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, evidenced by a region of diminished activity from −119 to −6 days before perihelion, that might be interpreted as a topographic effect or the turn off of an active region. (e) We define a photometric parameter (P-AGE) that attempts to measure the relative age of a comet through the activity exhibited in the secular light curve. 81P/Wild 2 (a comet that has recently entered the inner Solar System) is confirmed as a young object, while 28P/Neujmin 1 is confirmed as a very old comet. (f) Arranging the comets by P-AGE also classifies them by shape. A preliminary classification is achieved. (g) The old controversy of what is a nuclear magnitude is clearly resolved.

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