
In this work the sensitivity of secondary electron emission (SEE) spectroscopy in the 0–50 eV range and total electron yield (TEY) for characterising the near-surface region of diamond with varying levels of damage is examined. This is accomplished by SEE and TEY measurements of diamond surfaces subjected to ever increasing doses of 1 keV Ar ion irradiation. The irradiation gradually damages, amorphises and eventually graphitises the diamond surface thus providing a continuous spectrum of different forms of carbon ranging from crystalline sp 3 to amorphous sp 2 bonded carbon. A strong and abrupt charging effect is observed as a function of irradiation dose. This effect was correlated with changes in TEY and sample conductivity. It is found that TEY and SEE are very sensitive measures of the crystalline perfection of the near-surface region of diamond. It is suggested that SEE and TEY be used as sensitive tools for the characterisation of the near-surface region of diamond thin films.

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