
Camels are said to be seasonal breeders, but the extent to which season interferes with food supply to affect ovarian function is not fully documented. Hence, the three aims of this study were: (1) to define the breeding season of camels maintained in semi-arid conditions in southern Morocco; (2) to relate the proportion of females with active ovaries (i.e., with follicles > 5 mm), with ovulatory (11-17 mm) or cystic (> 18 mm) follicles to age and body conditions score; (3) to study the consequences of the interactions between age and body conditions score on the proportion of females ovulating and conceiving; and (4) to compare follicular maturation, using in vitro steroidogenesis by intact follicles as a marker during the transition into the breeding season (October) and peak breeding season (March). There was a clear breeding season in the two flocks studied, since over 80-90% of the matings occurred during the period from mid-November to mid-April. Collection of ovaries at slaughter (n = 238) demonstrated a significant seasonal effect on the proportion of females with active ovaries (increasing from 73.5% in October-December to 89% in January-May), but no changes in the proportion of females with ovulatory follicles. Lean females (BCS < 2.5) had a delayed initiation of ovarian function in October-December. In addition, the proportion of females with cystic follicles was also affected by season (peaking during April-May). Neither age nor body condition modulated the frequency of cysts. Finally, the proportion of females conceiving increased steadily as season progressed (peaking at 57% in April-May). Body condition score did not affect this proportion, but young females (< or = 5 years old) had a low ability to conceive. Morphological features of large follicles were unaffected by season. Ovulatory follicles contained around 10(7) granulosa and theca cells. In vitro testosterone output by intact follicles was unrelated to follicle size and season. In vitro oestradiol output increased with increasing follicle size and was larger in follicles obtained during peak breeding season than at its initiation. This may indicate that early breeding season follicles display a low aromatase activity in their granulosa cells. Whether the low oestradiol output of early breeding season follicles is resulting in the low fertility observed at this period remains to be determined.

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