
Legionella species, a Gram negative bacterium is the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal pneumonic syndrome of widely recognized public health importance. The aim of the study was to determine the presence of Legionella pneumophila in domestic water (borehole) in Benin metropolis by cultural method. One hundred and ninety-eight (198) water samples from the eight-two facilities (grouped into three: public apartments/hotels, private apartments and eateries) were cultured on BCYE made selective with the addition of legionella supplement IV and growth supplement after concentration and heat treatment at 50 0 C for 30 minutes and incubated at 37 0 C. Isolates were identified by doing gram stain, oxidase, catalase and hippurate test, final identification was done by using PCR, sequence and blast search using National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The results obtained showed that Legionella pneumophila or Legionella species was not isolated though other bacteria (such as Burkholderia bacterium MSMB7 (32%), Pseudomonas antarctica (28%), Cupriavidus gilaridii (14%), Microbacterium paraoxydans (14%), Bacillus thuringensis (4%), Bacillus cereus (2%), Acinetobacter johnsonii (6%)) were detected. In conclusion zero percent (0%) prevalence of Legionella species in the water systems investigated though other bacteria with pathogenic potential were recovered. This finding suggests that water systems in Benin metropolis may not present vehicles for the transmission of diseases associated with Legionella species. Keywords: Legionella pneumophila , domestic water, search, BCYE, Benin metropolis


  • Legionellaceae are fastidious, opportunistic Gram negative bacteria that reside in aquatic environment with wide spread distribution (Pel-Yi et al, 2000)

  • Legionellosis can appear in two distinct clinical presentation: Legionnaries’ disease (LD), a mild to fatal pneumonia with 3.4% fatality rate (Anonymous, 2000) and Pontiac fever, an acute selflimited influenza-like illness

  • One hundred and ninetyeight (198) water samples from showers, taps and air conditioners in Benin metropolis were examined, 41(20.7%) yielded bacteria growth (25 (27.2%) of the growth were from taps and 16(24.4%) from showers), while 157(79.3%) yielded no bacteria growth

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Legionellaceae are fastidious, opportunistic Gram negative bacteria that reside in aquatic environment with wide spread distribution (Pel-Yi et al, 2000) In their natural environment, Legionellaceae are intracellular parasite of free living protozoa. Over 50% species of Legionella have been recognized and at least 24 of these have been associated with human infection. Culturing the domestic water is the first step to assess the risk for Legionella in Benin metropolis. This approach is well adopted in the national guide-lines for European countries, France, Italy and in other regional guidelines and recommendations (Italy: Ministero della Salute, 2000; France: Ministere de l’Emploi et de la Solidarite, 2002). Legionnaries’ disease has not been reported in Benin and environmental culture of domestic water for the isolation of Legionella has never been performed no documented epidemiological data to determine the presence of the bacterium. The objectives of this study was to determine the presence of Legionella in domestic water and air conditioner water system in Benin metropolis

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