
We have undertaken a program to serach for fast gamma ray pulsars (P<1 s) in OSSE observations of the galactic center, galactic plane, lMC, and selected sources. We have used search strategies optimized for both isolated and binary pulsars. Applied to OSSE observations, these techniques are sensitive to isolated Crab pulsars at the glaactic center and binary Crab pulsars in the local spiral arms. To date we have searched for pulsations from (i) known fast pulsars PSR1613−509 in RCW 103 and PSR0540−693 in the LMC, (ii) the gamma ray transient GRO J0422+32 and SN87A in the LMC, (iii) isolated pulsars in the galactic center, LMC, and galactic plane fields in Cygnus and Carina, and (iv) binary pulsars in these same fields. No pulsations have been detected at frequencies between 1 Hz and 4 kHz, with pulse fraction limits as low as 0.1% of total received cound rate.

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