
Neurotoxins are among the main components of scorpion and snake venoms. Scorpion neurotoxins affect voltage-gated ion channels, while most snake neurotoxins target ligand-gated ion channels, mainly nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). We report that scorpion venoms inhibit α-bungarotoxin binding to both muscle-type nAChR from Torpedocalifornica and neuronal human α7 nAChR. Toxins inhibiting nAChRs were identified as OSK-1 (α-KTx family) from Orthochirusscrobiculosus and HelaTx1 (κ-KTx family) from Heterometruslaoticus, both being blockers of voltage-gated potassium channels. With an IC50 of 1.6μm, OSK1 inhibits acetylcholine-induced current through mouse muscle-type nAChR heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Other well-characterized scorpion toxins from these families also bind to Torpedo nAChR with micromolar affinities. Our results indicate that scorpion neurotoxins present target promiscuity.

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