
This study analyses the Indian research output in rabies, one of the most vulnerable zoonotic disease in India. The data for this study was downloaded from PubMed database for the period 1950---2014. A total number of 495 records covered in the database during the study period. The literature growth, India's contribution compared to the world literature output, prolific authors and their collaborative pattern, journal distribution, most productive institution and geographical distribution are discussed in the study. `Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI)' is the 1st in the rank list and the journal published 46 (9.29 %) papers during the study period. The study shows that `Madhusudana SN' is the most productive author producing 57 (11.51 %) contributions. The study also shows the collaborative nature in rabies research in India. `National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore' is the most productive institution in the field. The Bradford law of scattering does not apply to rabies research in India. We suggest that the agencies those involved in zoonotic disease research, shall give priority to the rabies research. Considering the disease burden and increasing trend of mortality rate, the state and the central Governments shall carry out the joint research projects in this field.

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