
From September 25 through September 27, 2018, the IX-th International congress of blast furnace men took place in Nizhny Tagil at the base of JSC “EVRAZ NTMK” named “Metallurgy of hot metal. Perspectives of development till the year of 2025”. It was organized by International Union of blast furnace men, “MetProm” Group and JSC “EVRAZ NTMK”. Heads and specialists of metallurgical, coke-making and chemical and machine-building plants, representatives of designing organizations, R&D institutes from Russia, CIS and foreign countries – all together 180 participants. At the congress, the specialists could receive information on modern developments, to exchange by opinions and experience. More than 60 reports were presented, which will be included in the digest of proceedings of the IX-th International congress of blast furnace men. Reports of foreign companies like “Danieli Corus”, “Paul Wurth”, “Primetals Technologies” and “GEA Russia” attracted a big interest. A particular interest was paid at the congress to estimation of status of coke and sinter production, as well as BF production under the current economic conditions, to determination of main ways of the industry development. Leading specialists discussed the ways of BF existing technologies perfection, methods of pig iron production alternative technologies implementation, perfection of means of control, implementation of information technologies, environmentally clean and resources saving technologies, aimed at increasing of products quality and production efficiency. At the forum, results of innovation projects implementation at the biggest steel-works were considered. During the last day of the congress work, the participants visited the JSC “EVRAZ NTMK” blast furnace No. 7, which has a volume of 2200 m3 and designing productivity – 2.5 mt/year of hot metal.


  • 25–27 сентября 2018 г. в Нижнем Тагиле на базе АО “ЕВРАЗ Нижнетагильский металлургический комбинат (НТМК)” состоялся IX Международный конгресс доменщиков “Металлургия чугуна

  • Perspectives of development till the year of 2025”. It was organized by International Union of blast furnace men, “MetProm” Group and JSC “EVRAZ NTMK”

  • More than 60 reports were presented, which will be included in the digest of proceedings of the IX-th International congress of blast furnace men

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25–27 сентября 2018 г. в Нижнем Тагиле на базе АО “ЕВРАЗ Нижнетагильский металлургический комбинат (НТМК)” состоялся IX Международный конгресс доменщиков “Металлургия чугуна. На конгрессе особое внимание было уделено оценке состояния коксоагло-доменного производства в текущих экономических условиях, определению основных направлений развития отрасли. Ключевые слова: коксо-агло-доменное производство, конгресс доменщиков, научно-технические итоги конгресса, альтернативные технологии производства чугуна.

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