
She's done it again! Cell biologist and novelist Jennifer L. Rohn has written another taut, suspenseful story about a young scientist's journey to find oneself. Published this year by Cold Spring Harbor Press, The Honest Look is Rohn's second novel, and although it uses similar narrative devices as her first book, Experimental Heart (2008), The Honest Look is edgier and ultimately more satisfying. Congratulations to the author for pushing the “lablit” genre (see www.lablit.com) in the right direction—a literary one. But whether literary or scientific, the reader can enjoy this book for many reasons: the scientific and ethical dilemmas, the conflicted romances and resulting complications, the Dutch landscape and lively portrait of Amsterdam, and the presence of poetry intertwined with proteomics and corporate intrigue. Dr. Claire Cyrus is one of only three people in the world who can run the Interactrex 3000, a supercomputer nicknamed the Raison d'Etre (or the “Raisin”), which can peer into living cells and watch proteins interact in real time. Having trained on this machine in England, Claire accepts a job offer from a startup biotech firm in Holland. She plunges into her work—but with an uneasy feeling. The biotech company is a one-trick pony with high expectations of its first product, a drug to fight Alzheimer's disease, called the Zapper. Using the Interactrex 3000, Claire accidentally uncovers a fatal flaw in Zapper, a discovery that puts the firm and herself at great risk. On top of it all, no one at the biotech company is very welcoming to Claire, so she isolates herself. Along the way, but at two different times, she collaborates with two men who are her scientific colleagues as well as each other's polar opposites. Struggling to ascertain where her own loyalties belong, she has to parse her feelings not only for these men but also for her work. This romantic drama is set against the backdrop of her scientific discovery that the biotech's future is built on a false premise. When she doesn't reveal this truth, her world starts to spin out of control. At first she is ill with unease, but then she becomes truly ill as events take her over and threaten to topple the scientific principles at stake and her own identity. Through an interwoven plot line, Rohn shows us Claire's serious interest in poetry and the essential role that words have played in her life. Her father was an English poet and her mother a fiery Spanish expatriate. The study of biology was Claire's adolescent retreat from them, and Claire needs to sort out her ambivalence about her parents' legacy. With emotional intelligence and great turmoil, she tries to clarify why she chose a more “objective” career while the biotech drama plays out. The novel is full of well-drawn and colorful characters, including the charismatic but ultimately repellant biotech co-owner, Alan Fallengale; his business partner, the kindhearted Ramon Ortega; the glamorous graphic designer, Rachel May, who becomes a true friend to Claire; and the company's biostatician, Joshua Pelinore, who becomes Claire's confidante and partner in deception but also her creative muse. Ironically, by weaving a fabric of deception, she and Joshua create new identities for themselves that bring them closer to their true goals. Keen readers on the lookout for symbolism will find it right away in the prologue, when Claire is alerted to a menacing noise in her new lab, only to discover crickets singing behind the computer. These warbling insects form a modern day Greek chorus, prophesizing a close brush with tragedy. Throughout this book things may not always be what they seem to Claire, but in the end Rohn keeps everything true to what they are. The story is witty, zingy, and fast paced. It is credible and compelling. I cannot say anything more than “read this book” and “enjoy the suspenseful thrills.” You will be gratified that you did.

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