
The Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organisation (URRENO) is a non-profit, non-government organisation (NGO) mandated in 1997. From a modest pilot project funded by the World Bank in 2003, it has become a leader in the development, implementation and advocacy for road safety education in primary schools across Uganda. Through URRENO efforts, the pilot program was adopted as the national curriculum and was shown to improve students’ road safety skills and behaviours and reduce their involvement in crashes from 15% to 5%. Many other related worthwhile initiatives followed, including: improvements in pedestrian facilities; integrated road safety publicity and enforcement campaigns; and expansion of road safety NGOs to supplement Government efforts. Lessons learned of value for like organisations include: striving to collect and analyse data to attain a project evidence base; building strong partnerships with influential individuals, community groups, businesses and Government stakeholders; adopting participatory approaches in which stakeholders and beneficiaries play significant roles in project implementation; and building capacities and empowering beneficiaries. URRENO continues in its efforts to strengthen and further roll-out the road safety education curriculum across Uganda, following evidence that transfers of trained teachers has contributed to decayed expertise and attention to road safety, particularly among schools in rural areas. URRENO will continue to strive to empower young people to learn and strengthen their capacity in road safety, to grow out of dependence and become independent safe road users.


  • Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organisation (URRENO) is one of the largest nonpolitical, non-profit organisations in Uganda

  • URRENO implemented a Road Safety Education project to enhance safer road use behaviors in order to reduce and minimize the impact of injury and death caused by road crashes involving pupils in primary schools in Uganda

  • URRENO played a major role in developing the resource materials and the reorienting and capacity building of primary school teachers in road safety education (RSE)

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Key Findings

URRENO has led advancement in school road safety education in Uganda since 2003; Government launched URRENO’s primary school pilot as a national curriculum; Students’ road skills increased, with 66% reduction in crashes near their schools; Teachers retained capacity, lost in some (esp. rural) schools due to transfers; URRENO efforts continue, with valuable lessons learned shared for others.

Training of Coordinating Centre Tutors
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