
Abstract This article investigates interpersonal relations of high ability children with peers in the same class. Subjects were eighth grade students who, eight years earlier, had started school at the age of 6 (Le., one year in advance of agemates), because they had demonstrated outstanding abilities while in nursery school Of the 51 students from 40 elementary schools in the industrial town of Lodz, 27 were girls and 24 boys. Research instruments included the Chart of Students’ Behaviour, Raven's Matrices, Choynowski's TZT, the sociometric technique of j. L. Moreno and school records including marks. The majority of the students tested displayed high or very high achievement and appropriate interpersonal relations with peers. However, a small group of about one quarter of the total group displayed low achievement and low social acceptance, although they were of high ability. This finding is of considerable interest in view of conflicting conclusions in the relevant literature. 1The investigation was con...

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