
Subjects were seated comfortably in a soundproof room, cup electrodes were attached to vertex and earlobes, and earphones were carefully placed. One-hour experimental sessions were divided into four stages: Passive, Anticipation, Bisection, Passive. For Passive, S heard a 150-msec noise burst (40 dB SL) at the midpoint of a 2-sec interval that was marked off by 150-msec light pulses. For Anticipation, S pressed a response button at midpoint, contiguous with the onset of noise burst. Bisection, divided into three subconditions, also required a button press by S at midpoint. In Bisection1, allowable error for correct button press was ±150 msec around midpoint; for Bisection2, ±106 msec; for Bisection3, 75 msec. A noise burst followed correct bisections by 500 msec to inform S of correct presses and also to evoke a scalp response. Averaged response waveforms (6⩽N⩽12) and waveforms of single responses show greater amplitude for Bisection than for Passive. There may also be additional components in the response following correct bisections. [This research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health.]

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