
The equilibrium structure of planar brushes formed by flexible, regularly branched (comblike and starlike macromolecules), and randomly branched polymers is considered. The diagrams of states in τ,σ coordinates (τ = (T - Θ)/T is reduced temperature and σ is grafting area per chain) are constructed, and power-law dependencies for the brush thickness H are obtained. It is shown that due to the existence of two different length scales characterizing comblike macromolecules, the scaling behavior of a combed brush is more varied than that of conventional brushes formed by linear chains. Weakly overlapping combs exhibit behavior similar to that of a conventional brush in a good solvent (H ∼ σ -1/3 ) even at the Θ-point. Strongly overlapping combs rearrange their local structure and recover the exponents for linear brushes in a good solvent (H ∼ σ -1/3 ) and Θ-solvent (H ∼ σ -1/2 ). For marginal solvents, intermediate between good and Θ-solvents, combed brushes exhibit a new exponent (H ∼ σ -5/13 ). Brushes formed by starlike and randomly branched polymers demonstrate conventional σ-dependencies similar to linear chains. However, the molecular-weight dependencies of the brush thickness H for randomly branched polymers are different.

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