
Satish G. Udhoji was born on 28.06.1945. He passed B. Sc. in 1965 and M. Sc. in 1967 from Geology Department of Nagpur University, Nagpur. After passing M. Sc, he joined Indian Bureau of Mines in Mineral Exploration Division which later merged with Geological Survey of India (GSI). Initially, he was working in Mineral Exploration for Manganese Ore and transferred later to GSI, Nagpur. At Nagpur, he worked in mineral exploration for few years and was later shifted to the Palaeontology Division. At Palaeontology Division, he worked on palynological study of rocks from Central India. During his stay at Nagpur, he completed LLB in 1987. Besides geology, he had good knowledge of legal matters and he was consulted frequently on legal matters. Later, he was posted to the Publication Division due to skill of meticulous scrutiny of technical matters. He was expertin scrutiny and publication of scientific articles, which was acclaimed all over GSI. His contribution in printing Seminar volume, GSI news and brochure during the celebration of “150 years of GSI” was well appreciated. Later, he was posted to Bengaluru, where he worked as a Head of Office also. He retired from GSI, Nagpur as a Director Publication. He was an active member of GGS, who contributed well during the Seminars, mostly managing publication of proceeding volumes. He was also consulted frequently about legal matters. His demise at the age of 76 years is an unbearable loss to GGS.

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