
Groundnut rosette disease is caused by a complex of agents comprising groundnut rosette umbravirus (GRV), GRV satellite RNA (sat-RNA)groundnut rosette assistor luteovirus (GRAV). Both GRAV and GRV sat-RNA are needed for GRV to be aphid transmissible. To understand the role of GRAVGRV sat-RNA in the aphid transmission of GRV, encapsidation of GRV genomicsatellite RNAs has been studied using transgenicNicotiana benthamianaplants expressing GRAV coat protein (CP). GRAV CP expressed from a transgene was shown to package GRV genomicsatellite RNAs efficiently, giving a high yield of transcapsidated virus particles. GRV sat-RNA was absolutely essential for this process. GRV genomic RNA was not encapsidated by GRAV CP in the absence of the sat-RNA. Using different mutants of GRV sat-RNA, it was found that some property of full-length satellite RNA molecules, such as size or specific conformation rather than potential open reading frames, was required for the production of virus particles. A correlation between the ability of sat-RNA to stimulate encapsidation of GRV RNA by GRAV CPits capacity to promote aphid transmission of GRV was observed.

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