
Abstract : Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) is located in the State of Florida along the Atlantic coast in Brevard County. CCAFS encompasses approximately 15,804 acres that support the space launch and test requirements of the Department of Defense (DoD), the 45th Space Wing (45 SW), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Naval Ordnance Test Unit, the Florida Space Authority, and numerous commercial contractors. There are currently no facilities at CCAFS, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), or the surrounding communities rated to withstand more than a Category 2 Hurricane. Global Positioning System IIR satellites valued at 45 million dollars each are currently being stored in the Defense Satellite Communication System Processing Facility. The processing facility is projected to have well over 350 million dollars in satellite assets during the peak of upcoming hurricane seasons. This EA supports the Air Force in the decision to locate, construct, and operate a new satellite alert facility for the safe storage of satellites. As such, it describes the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction of the facility, and the mitigation measures developed to avoid, minimize, or offset adverse impacts as identified in the assessment. This EA was conducted and prepared in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality regulations, the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500-1508), Environmental Impact Analysis Process (32 CFR Part 989), and the Department of Defense Directive 6050.1, Environmental Effects in the United States of Department of Defense Actions. This assessment considered thirteen environmental resources to provide a context for understanding the potential effects of the proposed action and for assessing the significance of potential impacts.

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