
The Physical and Chemical Evaluation of the Drinking Water of the Province of Samsun On the earth, only 3% of water supplies can be used as drinking water.In Samsun province, like many regions in our country, despite more surface and ground water supplies the amount of safely usable water is lessening day by day because of pollutants sourced from human settlements and agricultural and industrial areas. In this study, the kind, adequacy and disinfection status of drinking water supplies in urban and rural areas in Samsun province were investigated and also it was investigated whether environmental or chemical pollution was present nearby these supplies. 1480 samples, collected from 738 different points, were analysed at Public Health Institute of Samsun province. In this study, it was determined that 28.1% of the population of Samsun province had inadequate water, 40.8% had some pollutants nearby the water supplies and 35.0% were using drinking water without any disinfection process. House-connected water was used more frequently in urban areas whereas spring and well water was used in rural areas. In result, drinking-water used in rural areas was containing more chemical pollutants than used in urban areas. The mean hardness of drinking-water was 26.3+0.3 and the proportion of polluted water by chemicals was found 22.6% in Samsun province Yeryuzunde mevcut sularin sadece %3'u icme ve kullanma sulandir. Ulkemizin bircok yoresinde oldugu gibi, Samsun ilinde de guvenilir icme ve kullanma suyu miktari, evsel, tarimsal ve endustriyel kirlilik nedeniyle giderek azalmaktadir. Bu calismada, Samsun ilinde kirsal ve kentsel alanlarda icme sularinin cinsi, yeterliligi, kaynak cevresinde kir¬lenme, dezenfeksiyon durumu ve kimyasal kirlilik tasiyip tasimadigi arastirilmistir. Icme sularinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla 738 ayri noktadan toplam 1480 su ornegi alinarak Samsun Bolge Hifzisihha Enstitusu'nde analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda; il nufusunun %28.1'inin yetersiz suya sahip oldugu; %40.8'inin kullandigi su kaynaginin cevresinde kirletici bir unsur bulundugu; %35'inin dezenfekte edilmeyen su kullandigi saptandi. Kentsel alanda en sik sebeke suyu, kirsal alanda ise kaynak ve kuyu sulan kullanilmaktaydi. Bunun sonucunda da kirsal kesimde kullanilan sular, kentsel kesime oranla daha fazla kimyasal kirlilik tasimaktaydi. Ildeki sularin or¬talama sertligi 26.3±0.3 olup; kimyasal olarak kirli bulunan su orani %22.6 idi.

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