
This paper discusses the interpretation of ground motions detected in the dried up Lynch Strait, Dead Sea area, by applying radar interferometric techniques to ALOS Palsar Synthetic Aperture Radar images. Four ALOS scenes spanning from December 15, 2007 to May 17, 2008 have been processed leading to the generation of five interferograms. Three ground deformation zones have been detected. One of them shows surface displacement which could be related to an earthquake (ML 3.1) that took place on April 13, 2008. High rates of subsidence have been measured in the northern Lynch Strait. They suggest that these subsidence phenomena follow the same trend of rapid increase as sinkholes. Additional measurements should be carried out in order to refine this observation. The comparison between sinkholes' distributions in the Lynch Strait with that of Ghor Al Haditha, six kilometers eastward, supports the idea that the earthquake that hit the southern Dead Sea on April 23, 1979 (M 5.1) reactivated faults and fractures in the Lynch Strait triggering the development of sinkholes and subsidence in the frame of the Dead Sea recession.

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