
Today, salmonellosis remains one of the leaders in zoonoses and the cause of toxic infections in humans, which are common throughout the world. The epidemiological feature of salmonellosis is suddenness and mass character. Salmonella is very stable in the environment, and can multiply intensively at 2037°C in various foods: meat and dairy products, sausages, especially blood and liver, jellies, pates, cream confectionery, salads and other dishes. The organization and conduct of laboratory tests for the diagnosis and prevention of salmonellosis is an important component of the epidemiological surveillance system. The aim of the study was to analyze the detection rate of bacteria of the genus Salmonella in food products on the territory of Ukraine in 2019 and to establish the serovars of Salmonella, dangerous to human health. The study and analysis of statistical data was carried out based on the results of research and reports from the regional laboratories of the State Food and Consumer Service of 24 regions of Ukraine, as well as own research conducted in the State Scientific and Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise. According to the results of the research, it was established that 72 isolates of Salmonella spp. were isolated out of 184,951 food samples studied in 2019. Compared to 2018, the number of isolated salmonella from 189,517 samples was 121 isolates, of which dangerous strains of S. Enteritidis (group D) were detected in 25 cases, which is 20.6%, and Salmonella spp. — 32.2% of all isolated salmonella. These variants of salmonella were isolated from meat of various species of animals, poultry co-products, meat semi-finished products, minced meat and mechanically deboned meat, sauce, eggs and feed. In 2017, only 32 isolates of Salmonella were isolated from 142,977 tested samples, mainly Salmonella spp. The products from which this pathogen was isolated differed slightly from the following years, namely: meat, co-products, meat semi-finished products, animal oil, salted fish, fish semi-finished products and cookies. That is, the largest number of isolated salmonella is observed in 2018, although the number of samples in 2019 was slightly lower than in 2018. Thus, the obtained data indicate that it is necessary to follow strictly the sanitary and hygienic rules during the preparation, processing and consumption of food

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