
In order to effectively evaluate the safety of the ground crew exposed to the pantograph-catenary arc (PCA), which was generated by an electric locomotive during pantograph lifting. The electromagnetic field intensity of PCA was measured in various working conditions. The exposure source in simulation calculation was obtained by selecting the measurement data for the strongest working conditions during the pantograph lifting. Three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software, which was based on the finite element method, was selected as a simulation platform. The specific absorption rate, electric field intensity, and magnetic field intensity distribution in the model of ground crew were calculated. The results were compared with the occupational exposure limits established by the International Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Three specific positions i. e. A, B, and C were defined in the human model. The results show that the maximum value of specific absorption rate occurs at B position, the value is 4. 248×10–6 W/kg. The maximum value of electric field intensity is presented at the C position, the value is 7. 24×10–1 V/m, and the maximum value of magnetic field intensity is at B position, the value is 2. 483×10–3 A/m. All three maximum values occur at the junction of the neck and head, and they are all smaller than the ICNIRP occupational exposure limits. The results indicate that the ground crew is safe when exposed to the PCA during pantograph lifting, and the working environment for ground crew is safe too.

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