
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of derivative feminine nouns with suffix –ка, which is considered to be the most productive means of expressing modification of the word-formation category «femininity» in the Modern Russian language. The relevance of the study is due to what is happening in the present-day world especially the societal changes that led to the increased activity of existing correlates of the feminine gender and the emergence of a number of new female words according to the professional and social set-ups. The basis of this phenomenon is that women`s increased activity is stepping up in all spheres of public life: professional practice, science, culture, politics and so forth. Nowadays, global social changes are contributing to the emergence of new linguistic units and the Internet is getting the main communicative scope. The data of the Russian Reverse Dictionary and potential words that are functioning in the Russian media space are taken to present the material for research. Word-Forming bonds of the suffix –кА to motivated word stem are thoroughly described and the conclusion is drawn about the flexibility of this morpheme and its indifference to producing word. The peculiarities of functioning of the analyzed word-formative type are distinguished in modern Russian media space. The reasons of becoming the most popular suffix of producing feminisms-neologisms are listed.

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