
The structure of colloidal crystals of silica particles in water was studied by using the two-dimensional (2D) ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) technique. By violent shaking of the dispersion, large (body-centered cubic, bcc) crystals were broken into microcrystals while the lattice structure and lattice constant were preserved. The 2D-USAXS profiles revealed that the [111] direction of bcc microcrystals was parallel to the capillary axis and their orientational distribution with respect to the capillary axis was random. While a prepeak was observed in the one-dimensional USAXS measurements, no such peak was detected by the 2D-USAXS technique. The prepeak was concluded to be due to {110} being rotated by 54.7 degrees (the angle between [001] and [111]) from the capillary axis. The diffraction from the plane was out of the horizontal plane and was observed at a lower angle as a prepeak by detector scanning in the horizontal direction.

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