
Summary {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1038\deflangfe1038\deftab708{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset238{\*\fname Times New Roman;}Times New Roman CE;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 Multi-pass pebble bed reactors are loaded with spherical fuel pebbles that are circulated through the core until they reach a proposed burnup limit (~100,000 MWD/MTU). An HPGe detector can be used to assay the fuel on-line to ensure that the burnup limit is not breached. The potential exists for using a relative burnup indicator, which would allow the use of a relative self-calibrating approach for efficiency determination. The utilization of several fission products as built-in on-line relative calibration standards is explored using the computer codes ORIGEN2.1, MCNP4C, and SYNTH to produce simulated gamma-ray spectra of the fuel pebbles at various levels of burnup. \par }

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