
This article explores Haitian American writer Roxane Gay’s An Untamed State (2014) as a novel that represents our intricate and rhizomatic transmodern era. In order to prove this contention, it focuses on the novel’s amalgamation of different literary genres and modes from previous cultural paradigms—namely, the postmodern fairy-tale retelling and the social realist novel—with Euro-American as well as Haitian/Caribbean literary and sociocultural elements. The result of this mélange is a complex narrative of multiple interconnections that offers a nuanced portrait of new millennium Haitian diasporas and locals, and that most especially, recuperates subaltern Haitian voices so as to denounce the “untamed state” of the country. The article concludes by arguing that Gay’s hybrid and relational text effaces an either/or episteme which, although considerably used in Western and postcolonial theories for a while, has now become obsolete and inoperative in such a globalised and entangled world.


  • Introduction2. Transmodernity and the Relational Rhizome in Contemporary Caribbean Literature

  • As demonstrated in this article, An Untamed State is a hybrid novel of interconnections which concomitantly juxtaposes genres and modes related to former cultural paradigms

  • Gay combines in her amalgamated novel conventions of the postmodern and feminist fairy-tale revision as well as the social realist novel, with Euro-American and Haitian literary and sociocultural elements such as confined and abused princesses, zombis, maroons, transmigration, the American Dream as well as Haitian chiméres and restaveks

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2. Transmodernity and the Relational Rhizome in Contemporary Caribbean Literature. 3. An Untamed State as a Hybrid Fiction of Interconnected Genres. A Postmodern Feminist Fairy Tale of Haitian Princesses, Zombis and Maroons. A Social Realist Narrative about Haiti’s “Painful Truths”. How to cite this article: Roldán-Sevillano, L. (2021) Roxane Gay’s An Untamed State: A Caribbean Rhizomatic Novel Reflecting the New Transmodern Paradigm, in Complutense Journal of English Studies 29, 69-79

An Untamed State as a caribbean hybrid fiction of interconnected genres
A social realist narrative about Haiti’s “painful truths”
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