
Data on sickness absence of employees are routinely used for health reporting and the analysis of work-related morbidity by institutions of the German health insurance. Since the insurance system comprises several different branches, these health reports differ in respect of objectives, data selection, methods of analysis, and presentation of results. A further lack of comparability is caused by the heterogeneous populations, since membership in a certain health insurance depends on social status and job requirements. Aim of this paper was to review the methods and characteristics of health reports as they are routinely published in Germany. By evaluating these reports recommendations should be derived to improve comparability. The review showed that at least four different kinds of health reports should be differentiated: company-based health reports, health reports for business branches, morbidity statistics, and reports from research projects. Such reports have different objectives and therefore require different methods of data analysis. However, group-specific and common standards could be set up and it is suggested that health insurance institutions should work out report guidelines based on the recommendations given in this review.

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