
The ground-state rotational spectra of two isotopomers, C 4 H 8 32 S ⋯HF and C 4 H 8 34 S ⋯HF, of the tetrahydrothiophene⋯HF complex have been analyzed to give rotational constants, centrifugal distortion constants and the H,F nuclear spin–nuclear spin coupling constant D aa . These parameters are consistent with a dimer structure characterized by a distance r(S⋯F)=3.067(22) Å, an angle of 88.28(29)° between the S⋯F internuclear line and the line bisecting the CSC angle and an angle of deviation of the S⋯F internuclear line from the CSC angle bisector plane of 1.64(75)°. The deviation from collinearity of the atoms S⋯H–F has been found to be θ=10.5(45)°.

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