
A newly constructed universal crossed molecular beams apparatus for studies of bimolecular chemical reaction dynamics is described. The apparatus employs two rotatable molecular beam sources and a fixed ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) quadrupole mass spectrometer with electron impact or pulsed photoionization of reaction products. Electronically cold neutral supersonic transition metal atomic beams are produced in one of the rotatable sources using laser vaporization. The beams are characterized by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy, photodepletion spectroscopy, and time-of-flight analysis. Photoionization of the ZrC2H2 products from the crossed beam reaction Zr+C2H4→ZrC2H2+H2 is carried out using the pulsed 157 nm radiation from a F2 excimer laser in the UHV region of the mass spectrometer. Compared to conventional electron impact ionization, 157 nm photoionization improves signal-to-noise ratios by more than two orders of magnitude for experiments using pulsed beam sources where cross correlation methods cannot be used. We also demonstrate the use of 1+1 resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization for state selective detection of nonreactively scattered transition metal atoms from decay of long-lived collision complexes. Due to the small reaction cross sections for Y+C2H6→YC2H4+H2 and Y+CD3CDO→DYCD3+CO, these reactions could not be studied using electron impact ionization. However, photoionization detection permitted direct studies of the reactions with excellent signal-to-noise ratios. The greatly improved sensitivity of the photoionization technique facilitates studies of transition metal systems not previously amenable to the crossed beams method.

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