
During a routine survey which was conducted in three successive years, 1990–1992, in southeastern Hungary, it was found that Meloidogyne spp. are common on a wide host range in fields, glasshouses and polythene tunnels, especially in sandy soil between the Danube and Tisza rivers. Meloidogyne incognita, M. incognita acrita and M. arenaria were recorded to be the most important in glasshouses (at Hódmezóvásárhely, Csongrád, Mindszent, Fábiánsebestyén, Kistelek, Balástya, Szatymaz, Bordány, Mórahalom, Szeged, Apátfalva and Szegvár); M. hapla was found to be the most important species in the field (at Hódmezóvásárhely, Makó, Szeged, Szatymaz, Szentes, Domaszék, Mórahalom, Asotthalom, Bordány, Ulés, Zsombó, Balástya, Kistelek, Csanytelek, Forráskút and Rúzsa). M. thamesi was detected in certain cultivated plants and weed hosts (at Kistelek, Balástya, Rúzsa, and Gyula). Besides the cultivated plants, 41 weed plants, belonging to 34 genera in 22 families, were also found to be hosts for root‐knot nematodes in fields and glasshouses. Meloidogyne naasi was found for the first time in Hungary on some grass hosts.

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