
Early and late durum wheat varieties, T. durum/T. dicoccoides interspecific lines, accessions of the wild Triticeae species Aegilops geniculata Roth and Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schult., and Ae. geniculata/T. durum and H. chilense/T. durum amphiploids were compared for root attributes and some agronomical traits as earliness, tiller number and above-ground biomass production. A wide variation was observed for most traits and strong correlations were noted between them. The tested genetic material however significantly differed for root development, root depth, tiller number and earliness. H. chilense exhibited a lower shoot: root dry weight ratio. Primary root axis was found significantly longer in the interspecific tetraploid lines and Ae. geniculata/T. durum amphiploids. A high tillering capacity was noted in the wild wheat Ae. geniculata and in Ae. geniculata/T. durum amphiploids. The highest tiller number: total root number ratio (TN/TRN) value was noted in Ae. geniculata. The potential interest of these traits for durum wheat improvement is discussed by takink into account their relationship with biomass production and plant architecture.

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