
Introduction. The significance of the study lies in the consideration of issues related to the disclosure of the legal foundations of social statehood, the determination of the value of law and ownership as necessary elements of comprehensive human development, as well as the understanding of the limitations that the use of only substantive criteria for the implementation of the idea of a social state provides. Purpose. The aim of the article is to identify the need for the main principle of human community – the development of a free individual, when the person does not feel any total control by the state, or solitude in the market struggle, to be pursued. Methodology. Formal legal method, analysis, synthesis, formal logical method, systematic approach. Results. The common forms of relationships between individuals and society are considered. It is determined that the most promising ideal type of social relationships should be a mixed type, the prerequisite of which is the equivalent value of the individual and society (society and the state) that exist in different historical epochs. An important role is assigned to the law and ownership, it follows that who destroys the law and ownership, then destroys the personality as well. The order of the human community, based on property and laws governing that, is a system of dependence of those who have no property on those who have it. It is also pointed out that the possibility of acquiring property and thus making an inter-class transition is not the property and the transition itself, because it does not guarantee free development for everyone. Every individual must understand that his own freedom cannot occur without the freedom of other people, that while working on achieving this type of order, the individual works not only on society but on himself as well. Each person may demand the same rights for himself by giving others a possibility to manifest themselves through their ownership rights. Awareness of his individuality is the way to comprehension of the meaning of personal independence, while the awareness of other individuals as independent equals whom he needs for his own development is the way to interaction among people, a chance to make the life well-ordered. Conclusion. It is necessary to speak of the social state as a special ideal, which is based on the eternal harmony, not the struggle, of two opposite, but identical in their nature qualities of a man: a will for privacy, selfishness, striving for isolation, domination over their own kind, which could be found in society, and the public, universal, striving to preserve everything, which are expressed in the state. In both theory and legislation, it is necessary to reflect those interests, the reasonableness of which is historically predetermined, so that they, through the law, entered the consciousness of everyone, became our common interests. That is why we need an actual guarantee of free education in the broadest sense, as a spiritual basis for the implementation of the idea of a social state and the education of a new generation of young people, who can be called a future leaders of Russia.

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