
Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a novel viral infectious disease, which broke out in the end of winter season 2019 in China and soon became a pandemic. Characteristically there was severe local and systemic immune-inflammatory response to the virus, damaging the respiratory system and other organ systems. The morbidity and mortality caused by the disease are producing tremendous impact on health. The understanding about pathogenesis and manifestations of the disease was obscure. To date, no classic treatment or preventive measure was available for COVID-19 other than symptomatic and supportive care or few drugs under trial. A possibility exists that maintaining vitamin A adequate levels can protect the affected respiratory mucosa, increase antimicrobial activity, produce better antibody response, and have antiinflammatory effects, thereby promoting repair and healing as well. It has been discussed in the review that by various mechanisms, immune regulation through vitamin A supplementation is beneficial to boost immunity in the current outbreak situation when the population is susceptible to the disease. There is a high possibility that vitamin A supplementation to cases as well as population at risk of COVID-19 has a key role in prevention and control. Hence, it is believed that along with other therapeutic and preventive measures, maintaining vitamin A sufficiency during and prior to the development of active disease may act as an adjuvant in population at risk and cases to prevent and control COVID-19.

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