
Choroidal masses have very wide range of presentation, ranging from innocuous nevus to life threatening malignant melanomas and metastatic deposits. So it is very essential to diagnose accurately and timely the choroidal masses to save the eye as well as life of patients. Many early treatable lesions go undiscovered due to non availability of affordable imaging modality especially in peripheral regions. Also there is lack of experienced radiologist in the periphery. Most of the time, either these lesions remain undiagnosed or wrongly diagnosed. So we lose many lives and salvageable eyes due to lack of timely and accurately diagnosis of these masses. But in recent years, ophthalmic ultrasounds like A-scan, B-scan (10 MHz) and ultrasound biomicroscopy have become very useful and indispensible tools for management of such type of lesions. Apart from eyes with opaque media, B-scan is also used in detection, differentiation, measurement of accurate dimensions, monitoring growth, looking for extra orbital extension and monitoring of regression in response to treatment. It is cost effective, non invasive and reproducible which are important consideration especially in rural settings. A normal ultrasound machine can be converted for ophthalmic use by simply upgrading to high frequency probe.

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