
The paper seeks to examine the role of the Nigerian post-independence legislature from 1960-1966 within the context of Nigeria’s Legal History. As it were, the chief purpose of the Legislature is to make law(s)/legislation and this set of Legislature were crucial to Nigeria’s nationhood development. It would not be an overstatement to refer to them as the ‘Founding Fathers’ of contemporary Nigerian Legislature. They were the pioneer legislature of the then newly independent Nigeria. Thus, emphasising the very essential part they played in making Nigeria who she presently is. The paper finds that the Legislature from 1960-1966 shaped the current Nigerian legal environment. Suffice it to state that they laid the foundation that subsequent Legislature have built on; providing the base for law-making. It is impossible to have a full understanding of the Nigerian Legal System without making reference to this Pioneer group; as their work was the pace-setter for Nigerian legislation as it presently exists.

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