
The role of mechanical properties of cells is gaining increasing attention due to the regulatory role that it plays in cellular processes. In particular the transduction of an applied force on the cell membrane through the cellular components can have significant influence on such phenomena as stochasticity in gene expression and cancer metastasis. We are currently investigating the effect of mechanical forces on the stochasticity of gene expression in E.coli cells and the adhesion and migration of prostate cells in various stages of metastasis. The effect of external forces on a synthetic gene network in E.coli is being studied to determine if they impact intrinsic or extrinsic stochasticity. The stochasticity is monitored through the expression of three different fluorescent proteins CFP, YFP, and RFP. The emission intensities as a function of applied force are monitored to discern the effect of applied force on gene stochasticity. The influence of mechanical stress on cancer metastasis is being investigated by determining the expression levels of membrane and cytoplasmic proteins as a function of applied force. Additionally the cell-cell adhesion, cell-matrix adhesion, cell stiffness and elasticity, and expression levels of membrane proteins are determined by AFM. The AFM cantilever is employed to exert a local force and measure the response of the force in terms of the expression of adhesion proteins, and cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion. Significant results of these studies will be presented.

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