
Upon cooling or densification, a supercooled liquid shows drastic slowing down toward its glass-transition point. The physical mechanism behind this slow glassy dynamics has been a matter of discussion for a long time, but there has still been no consensus on its origin. Recently, we have found that for systems mainly interacting with steric repulsions, glassy structural order (or, angular order) generally develops upon cooling and its correlation length, , grows as ( is the bare correlation length, T is the temperature, T0 is the hypothetical ideal glass transition, and d is the spatial dimensionality). This ordering is difficult to detect by two-body density correlation since it is a consequence of sterically-induced (entropically-driven) many-body correlation that lowers local free energy. Interestingly, the power-law growth of with the exponent of 2/d is reminiscent of the Ising criticality. We also find that the structural relaxation time diverges as (: the microscopic relaxation time, K is a fragility index, is the Boltzmann constant), suggesting that glass transition is a consequence of Ising-like criticality with growing activation energy. Unlike ordinary critical phenomena, the activation energy of particle motion increases in proportion to the root of the correlation volume of , implying that the particle motion is strongly correlated in that volume. This relation indicates that the impact of spatial fluctuations of the order parameter on slow dynamics is not perturbative but intrinsic. Although we need further study to confirm our claim, we hope that the discussion in this article would provide a good starting point for further consideration of the physical nature of glass transition.

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