
The role of glutathione status in gastric mucosal cytoprotection has been a subject of controversy. Cysteamine, an exogenous sulfhydryl agent and diethyl maleate (DEM), an endogenous glutathione (GSH) depletor both appear to protect rats from ethanol-induced gastric lesions. In this study, we used various agents to alter gastric mucosal GSH levels and assessed the effects on susceptibility to ethanol injury. We found that DEM and buthionine sulfoximine both depleted gastric GSH but only DEM protected against ethanol-induced gastric lesions. L-Oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (OXT) and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) both potentiated ethanol-induced gastric lesions even though only NAC significantly raised the GSH level. The depletion of GSH by DEM was reversed by supplying cysteine in the form of OXT or NAC so that the net result was a GSH level close to normal control. The potentiation of ethanol injury by NAC and OXT was still apparent. These experiments show no relation between gastric GSH levels and susceptibility to ethanol injury.

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